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Professor John F.Cryan to speak at WIRED Health 2015: Decoding the Brain

24 Apr 2015

Professor John F Cryan will speak at WIRED Health 2015 on today Friday 24th April as part of the Decoding the Brain session. WIRED 2015 will bring together the innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs defining the future with powerful ideas

WIRED Health 2015 is a one-day event exploring the future of healthcare, designed to introduce, explain and predict trends in the medical and personal healthcare industries. It is a showcase for the extraordinary innovators using technology to re-imagine the health sector. From diagnostics and neuroscience, to data-driven healthcare and new material sciences helping to re-build the human body, WIRED Health is a haven for disruptive thinking and innovation. WIRED Health 2015 will be held at 30 Euston Square, London, home to the Royal College of General Practitioners.

Does Cryan have any specific aims for speaking at WIRED Health?

He wants to spread the message that neuroscience doesn't just stop at the neck. And that factors like stress don't just affect the brain, they affect the entire body. He hopes to encourage more studies at the human side of things: "To be able to decipher hype from hope."


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