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News Archive 2013

UCC Neuroscientist Awarded Major Research Prize from University of Utrecht

20 Jun 2013
Prof. John F. Cryan, photo by R.O. van Kooten

Prof. John F. Cryan, Chair and Head of Dept. Anatomy & Neuroscience & Principal Investigator in the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre at University College Cork has been awarded the 2013 Utrecht University Excellence in Pharmaceutical Research award. 


This prize is awarded biannually by the Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences in order to honour a researcher for his excellent contributions to the Pharmaceutical Sciences. At a ceremony in Utrecht on Friday 14 June 2013 Prof Cryan gave a lecture summarising his major research achievements. 

Dr. Cryan's current research interests include the neurobiological basis of stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders including depression, anxiety and drug dependence. Moreover, his group is also focused on understanding the interaction between brain and gut and how it applies to stress and immune-related disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome, obesity and autism. He is also interested in applying novel approaches to facilitate drug/siRNA delivery to the brain in vivo. His group is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Health Research Board (HRB), The Irish Research Council and the European Union Seventh Framework Programme. Prof Cryan who was UCC's Researcher of the Year in 2012 said  "it is a real honour to be recognised by one of the leading Universities in Europe in the Pharmaceutical Sciences". The award is a unique work of art from Gabri Schumacher (Artis causa), inspired by a pill box.

On their website is the following release

Cork NeuroScience CNS Centre - Integrating Clinical and Basic Research

Cork NeuroScien floor,
