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News Archive 2012

Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience win Neuroscience Ireland awards

13 Jul 2012

Congratulations to Rachel D. Moloney and Valeria Felice who have recently been awarded Neuroscience Ireland Travel Bursaries. Congratulations to Dr Aideen Sullivan,  who has been awarded the first Neuroscience Ireland funded symposium grant.


Travel Awards

Neuroscience Ireland has now awarded its 3rd round of travel bursaries to post-graduate and post- doctoral members whose work has been accepted for presentation at an international conference. For this 3rd round of travel awards,  Each winner will receive €300. There are two winners Rachel D.Moloney Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience University College Cork, and Valeria Felice also Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience University College Cork.

Each winner will present a poster at the International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting in Bologna, Italy on 6th- 8th September 2012.

The title of Rachel’s poster is

‘Strain differences in visceral nociception, anxiety and depression like behaviour: Responses of 12 mouse strains'.

The title of Valeria’s poster is

‘5HT2B Receptor mRNA Expression Throughout the Brain- Gut Axis is Unaltered in the Maternally Separated Rat.’

Symposium Award

This year the Society launched a new initiative to fund symposia, workshops or Summer schools. We are delighted to announce that the first Neuroscience Ireland funded symposium grant has been awarded to Dr. Aideen Sullivan, University College Cork to host a one day meeting focused on Parkinson’s disease which will be held on January 4th 2013.

Cork NeuroScience CNS Centre - Integrating Clinical and Basic Research

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