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CNS News & Events

Erasmus programme interns enjoying life in Anatomy

14 Sep 2016
Welcome to German Prosector Interns Alina Schneider and Bérénice Hohl

The Department welcomes Erasmus programme anatomy prosector interns Bérénice Hohl and Alina Schneider, both graduates from the University of Bochum, Germany.

Graduating from studies medical preparation, Alina from Wuppertal near Duesseldorf and Bérénice from Cloogne are qualified to work in forensic pathology, pathology and anatomy laboratories.  Bérénice has been assigned to a project in the FLAME laboratory assisting the department technicians and demonstrators with the preparation of material for undergraduate students and enjoys helping students with the practicalities of their studies. Alina has been placed in the ASSERT Centre of UCC, here qualified medics have the opportunity to improve their surgical skills in special courses in simulated clinical settings Alina finds her work with ASSERT very interesting and rewarding. 

They are both impressed with the facilities in the department and are delighted to have the opportunity come to Ireland on a one year Erasmus programme combining work language travel and culture.


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