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Dr. Yvonne Nolan leads European project on Alzheimer's disease, Neuroinflammation and Gut Microbes

12 Dec 2018
Professor Cora O’Neill, Dr. Yvonne Nolan and Dr. Stefanie Grabrucker

Congratulations to Dr. Yvonne Nolan who was awarded >€600K to lead a European consortium project on Alzheimer's disease, Neuroinflammation and Gut Microbes under the Centres of Excellence in Neurodegeneration (CoEN) programme.

Together with collaborator Professor Cora O’Neill, postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Stefanie Grabrucker, and partners in the UK, Italy and Professor John Cryan and his team in APC Microbiome Ireland, Dr. Nolan will investigate how an inflammatory serum signature coupled with an altered gut microbiota in Alzheimer’s disease patients may be potentially used as a biomarker to classify disease stage and prognosis. It may thus lead to future individualised therapeutic intervention for Alzheimer’s, which is the leading cause of age-related dementia worldwide.

The overall aim of the CoEN initiative is to build excellence in collaborative research in neurodegeneration research across Europe.  Dr. Nolan is delighted to embark on this exciting research partnership and is looking forward to strengthening collaborations with colleagues in the UK, Italy as well as here in UCC.

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