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Shortage of Civil Engineers reaches Crisis Level -

4 Dec 2015

A strong pipeline of public and private construction projects in Ireland's recovering economy has led to strong demand for Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering graduates. Demand for graduate engineers has outstripped supply for the last two years, leading to an increase in graduate salaries as employers compete to recruit the best graduates.

There is evidence that some school leavers are not aware of the sheer number and breadth of rewarding and stimulating graduate opportunities in the sector, reports Irish careers portal . Demand for graduate Civil Engineers is also very strong in other English-speaking economies such as the UK and the USA, and graduates of UCC's Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering degree programme will receive a qualification that will allow them to work anywhere in the world.

Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Innealtóireacht Shibhialta agus Timpeallachta

University College Cork, Cork
