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SFI: Engineering the right CAO option for a wide range of career choices

1 Jan 2015

With the deadline for CAO choices approaching in the coming weeks, Science  Foundation Ireland and careers portal have highlighted the advantages of careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine (STEM), with graduate salaries in Engineering and technology-sector companies 29% above the national average.

Dr. Ruth Freeman of SFI, quoted in online technology newspaper, said "STEM has the breadth of every kind of people working across the broadest range of industries – agriculture, food, science, energy. Technology and science today touch on everything we do and they are fundamental aspects of our lives. STEM can be the gateway to a broad portfolio of careers. It is important that we educate students and make them aware that they have a range of choices available in their lives in terms of good core skills that will serve them well during the course of their lives.”

Freeman said that many students who have selected STEM options volunteer in student-led technology education initiatives such as Engineering Week and CoderDojo. Students, parents and career guidance counsellors are encouraged to read the real-life career stories of Engineering graduates on the government-funded careers site

The CAO course code for the BE (Honours) Civil degree in University College Cork is CK600. You must specify option CEE to reserve a place in the second-year Civil Engineering programme.

Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Innealtóireacht Shibhialta agus Timpeallachta

University College Cork, Cork
