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East Cork Development Plan: 5,000 homes and new infrastructure

20 Mar 2015
Glounthaune Railway Station, Co. Cork [Photo Credit: Brian, Wikimedia Commons]

Cork County Council has released two development plans for the East Cork region along the rail corridor between Cork city and Midleton.

The Glounthaune-Midleton railway reopened in 2009 during the severe economic recession. With demand for housing now rising, the council plans to allow development on two sites: one of 120 ha near the railway line at Water Rock, where a new station will be built, and another of 160 ha at Carrigtwohill.

The plans to construct new communities with more than 5,000 homes, four primary schools, two secondary schools, shopping centres, parks, cycleways, and a railway station, will further increase the demand for talented Civil Engineers in the Cork region. Upgrades to the local drinking water treatment and wastewater treatment infrastructure are also planned by Irish Water. The Council's plans will go to public consultation from July 17 to August 28, 2015.

Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Innealtóireacht Shibhialta agus Timpeallachta

University College Cork, Cork
