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Arup: Continued Growth and Recruitment of graduate Civil Engineers

6 May 2015
(Image: Arup)

Arup, one of the world's leading engineering consultancies, is seeing strong demand in Ireland from sectors such as Infrastructure e.g. airports, pipelines, energy generation and highways;  Science and Industry, including work arising from foreign direct investment such as pharma plants; and "Commercial" which involves office buildings and hotels.

Fergus Monaghan, director with Arup, discussed the prospects of the sector for a recent feature on the Engineering profession in the Irish Independent. Monaghan pointed to areas such as building information modelling and environmental efficiency of buildings as new trends in Civil Engineering. He also commented on the new Building Control (Amendment) Regulations, which will have a huge influence on design of the built environment. Commenting on prospects for new Civil Engineering graduates, he pointed out that Arup maintained their recruitment during the recession years, citing the need toavoid creating skills gaps in later years. Arup has increased their staff in Ireland in recent years, and 40% of their intake last year was female.

Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Innealtóireacht Shibhialta agus Timpeallachta

University College Cork, Cork
