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Arboretum Tour

arboretum tour event notice

Public Tour - UCC Arboretum 

Tuesday 12 October, 1pm-2pm 

The UCC Arboretum, recently accredited by ArbNet, dates from the foundation of the university as Queen’s College Cork in 1845, and makes a significant contribution to UCC’s globally recognised Green Campus. Join us for a whistle stop tour of some of these amazing trees.

The UCC tree collection represents the oldest STEM public engagement tool in the University and one of the oldest such tools in any higher education institute in the country. Engaging with these living scientific collections has been shown to have significantly positive effects on educational attainment, mental and physical health, attitudes and knowledge of STEM subjects and careers, as well as willingness to engage in dealing with global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss.

The Tree Explorers project annouced as part of Tree Week this year, builds on the success of the UCC-funded "UCC Open Arboretum Project" re-imagining how this tree collection can be used for STEM education and public engagement.

Places limited - register in advance.

Together with and for Community

Tree Explorers Project - Funded by the Science Foundation Ireland the Tree Explorers project sees University College Cork’s magnificent tree collection used as a “living classroom” to promote the wonder of science and nature to a wider audience. The project engages primary school students and the general public, with a key element specifically co-created with primary school teachers to target schools in communities at risk of disadvantage and social exclusion (DEIS schools).

UCC Community Week: This event is part of UCC Community Week 2021. During Community Week, staff and students across the university come together with community and public sector partners to host community focussed events and activities. The week long programme of events celebrates UCC as a civically engaged university.

Civic & Community Engagement

Comhpháirteachas Cathartha agus Pobail
