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Public Talk - Global action for a better world:the potential of the Sustainable Development Goals

20 Jan 2020

Quercus Active Citizenship Lecture takes place on Monday 27th January, 2020. David Donoghue, former Irish permanent representative to the UN will give a public lecture titled: 'Global action for a better world: the potential of the Sustainable Development Goals'.

The Quercus Talented Students’ Programme is aimed at supporting and promoting excellence in academia, sport, creative and performing arts, active citizenship and innovation/entrepreneurship for both prospective undergraduate/level 8 students and students already registered in UCC.

Each year the Quercus Lescture Series invites external guest speakers and leaders in their fields to deliver a public lecture in Cork. 

David Donoghue was Ireland’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations until August 2017. Dr Donoghue was also one of the Irish Government’s negotiators for the ground-breaking Good Friday Agreement, which provided a political framework for lasting peace and stability in Northern Ireland. He is currently Chair of the Board of Trustees for Conciliation Resources - an international organisation committed to stopping violent conflict and creating more peaceful societies.

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More information on the Quercus Scholarship programme and Lecture series can be found at

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