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News 2024

Schoolchildren have a Corker of a time at city science quiz

28 Feb 2024

More than 170 primary school children from 31 different schools competed in the annual Cork Primary Science Quiz held at University College Cork, organised by Cork City Council’s Lifetime Lab team in collaboration with UCC Chemistry.

The event was supported by RSC through Chemistry Week and local section outreach funding, including providing science books as prizes in thematic areas like sustainability and the environment. Across eight challenging quiz rounds, key questions were designed to echo the themes of Chemistry Week. Our 25 volunteers included postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers who spoke about studying chemistry with some of the 250+ parents, teachers, and others attending in support. All children received medals from the Deputy Lord Mayor of Cork before the winning team from Cloghroe NS lifted the cup, rounding out a thoroughly rewarding evening that celebrated science and the talented youth of Cork who we hope are inspired in their future careers to help to use chemistry to make the world a better place.

School of Chemistry representatives who were involved with the Cork Primary Science Quiz.

A room of primary school students with some holding up quiz answer sheets.

The original article was published in RSC Voice magazine (Royal Society of Chemistry, January 2024). Available at:

School of Chemistry

Scoil na Ceimic

Second Floor, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60
