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News 2020

Schools Analyst Competition 2020 Ireland

25 Feb 2020
Details Of Our Annual RSC Schools Analyst Competition

In order to select the Republic of Ireland team, three national heats will be run in Ireland – Dublin City University (Wed 29th April 2020) and University College Cork (Wed/Thurs 6th and 7th May 2020) and National University of Ireland Galway (Fri 8th May 2020).

Teams entering these heats must comprise three students (with an accompanying teacher). All members of the teams must be in 5th year of the Leaving Certificate Cycle. Teams will be required to undertake a practical analytical determination based on problems relevant to industrial or social needs. These are judged for skill, understanding and accuracy and are intended to promote team work and safety in the laboratory. These heat competitions aim to test the participants on tasks which are relatively familiar to the students such as titrations/back titrations and tasks which are likely to be less familiar, such as chromatographic separations and spectrophotometry. In this way, it is hoped that the competitors will learn new skills, as well as demonstrate their existing knowledge, skills and aptitude for analytical science.

Teams will be placed 1 , 2 and 3 in each heat. The top team in each heat will then be selected to go forward to the final to be held in the UK at Kingston University on 17th/18th June 2020. All travel expenses will be paid for by the RSC Analytical Division for the teams entering the Final.

We are inviting Schools to nominate one team of three 5th year students (plus accompanying teacher) to enter into a heat to take place either in DCU (29th April) or UCC (6th and 7th May) or NUIG (8th May). Heats will take place in the morning or afternoon and the event will take approx. 2 hours (all details to be confirmed upon acceptance into competition). Please note that the number of Schools that can be facilitated is limited so please email the relevant heat organizers as early as possible to request an application form.

To express an interest and request an application form for a particular heat venue, email the relevant heat organisers:

Organiser Host University Email
Dr. Aoife Morrin DCU
Dr. Eric Moore UCC
Dr. Constantina Papatriantafyllopoulou NUIG

School of Chemistry

Scoil na Ceimic

Second Floor, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60
