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News 2020

Chemistry le Chéile 2020

14 Dec 2020
Conference to Promote the Visibility of Women in Chemistry.

The Chemistry le Chéile conference was held on the 9th of December.

This conference was organised to promote the visibility of women in chemistry and to highlight the wide array of female role models within the field of chemistry. The event was held virtually, giving early-stage Ph.D. researchers an opportunity to present their work and their path to pursuing a Ph.D. It also included speakers from industry and academia.

The organising committee consisted of four Ph.D. students from the School of Chemistry in UCC.

  • Amy O' Donoghue (2nd year Ph.D. student and EDI committee member)
  • Michelle Ryan (2nd year Ph.D. student and EDI committee member)
  • Niamh O' Mahoney (3rd year Ph.D. student and chemistry postgraduate rep)
  • Justina Ugwah (3rd year Ph.D. student based in the Tyndall National Institute)

The conference began with opening remarks from Professor Anita Maguire, Vice-President for Research and Innovation in UCC, followed by twelve Ph.D. student talks and five speakers from industry/academia. Students from various institutes around Ireland and 2 universities from the UK, contributed to the day. The industry speakers were women with different and established careers within the chemistry field. Speakers included;

  • Denise Hickey (Janssen Pharmaceutical)
  • Dr. Jovanna Arndt (AWN Consulting)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Gilchrist (UCC Lecturer)
  • Dr. Michelle Tierney (SymPhysis Co-Founder)
  • Dr. Deirdre Murphy (Pfizer Pharmaceutical)

Closing remarks from Professor Sarah Culloty, Head of College of SEFS at UCC, concluded what was a fantastic and diverse display of chemistry.

Prize winners were announced for their excellent talks.

  • 1st prize | Victoria Atkinson (Oxford University)
  • Runner-Up | Caytlin Boylan (NUI Maynooth)
  • Special Mention | Emma O'Sullivan-Carroll (Hovione/UCC)

School of Chemistry

Scoil na Ceimic

Second Floor, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60
