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News 2017

Summer Conferrings 2017

15 Jun 2017
Our Summer 2017 Ph.D. Chemistry Graduates.

This morning saw two Chemistry students graduate at the Summer Conferrings 2017 with Ph.D. degrees.

Well done to the students involved and best wishes to all of them in their future careers.

PhD Chemistry - Summer 2017

Name Supervisor PhD Thesis Title
Dr. Victor Langsi
Prof. Jeremy Glennon New Thin Shell Silica Particles and Hilic Phases for Liquid Chromatography: Synthesis, Characterisation and Functionalisation.
Dr. Aoife Ring
Prof. Anita Maguire Enantioselective Transformation of Alpha-Diazacarbonyl Compounds; Catalyst and Substrate Effects.

School of Chemistry

Scoil na Ceimic

Second Floor, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60
