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News 2014

University Staff Recognition Awards

22 Sep 2014
Dr. Colm O'Dwyer receives UCC staff recognition.

Prof. Colm O'Dwyer has been awarded an Impact Award in the 2014 University Staff Recognition Awards Programme.

In 2014, twelve awards will be presented across five categories: the Frank McGrath Perpetual Award for Equality and Welfare, Impact, Leadership, Exceptional Citizen and Enhancing the Student Experience. A total of 39 nominations were submitted in 2014, demonstrating the exceptionally high calibre of staff across UCC and the high regard in which nominees are held by the colleagues who nominated them for an award. The awards ceremony will be held on Thursday, 9 October 2014.

The Selection Committee determined that Dr Colm O’Dwyer should be honoured with an Impact Award on the basis of his outstanding achievements across all of the criteria for this award category including creativity and innovation, building collaborations, identifying and developing strategic opportunities and self-starter capability. The Selection Committee was particularly impressed by:  his role in developing a wide range of high-level research collaborations, both nationally and internationally, leading to significant research funding and industry collaborations; his role in pioneering a number of innovative scientific and commercial discoveries; his contribution to research-led teaching; and his role in promoting science to the wider community via scientific and other media.

School of Chemistry

Scoil na Ceimic

Second Floor, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60
