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Green Chemistry News

School of Chemistry commits to Green Chemistry

30 Jun 2023

The School of Chemistry at UCC is pleased to announce that it has signed up to Beyond Benign, an international initiative to incorporate the teaching of Green and sustainable chemistry at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.

Chemistry degree content at UCC already covers core concepts in Green Chemistry, and joining Beyond Benign will encourage systematic and deeper integration of Green Chemistry concepts and examples in lectures and in laboratory practicals across the School’s degree programmes.

Professor Anita Maguire, Head of School said ‘UCC’s School of Chemistry is delighted to commit to the Beyond Benign pledge – our School is committed to ensuring our students are fully aware of the role of chemistry in sustainability through our teaching and research activities. University College Cork has a particular focus on Sustainability - Beyond Benign aligns very well with the University’s commitment in this area.’

The goal of Green Chemistry education is to provide students with a framework to design chemical products and processes that are less hazardous to human health and the environment, which are key to creating a more sustainable future. Training in Green Chemistry will benefit UCC chemistry graduates and employers in Ireland’s large chemical and pharmaceutical sector. The chemicals, materials, and pharmaceutical sectors play a large role in energy and material use, manufacture of materials, and the circular economy. Modern and Green chemistry, which emphasises safer products and processes, use of renewable feedstocks, greater energy efficiency, and prevention of pollution, is vital to a sustainable and flourishing future.

The initiative in the School will be led by Dr Gillian Collins, Lecturer in Sustainable Materials. According to Dr Collins, ‘chemistry is central to solving sustainability challenges. Making green chemistry an integral part of our degree programmes will provide the next generation of chemistry graduates with the skills to tackle these challenges in the workforce.’

In Ireland, the UCC School of Chemistry joins fellow chemistry schools at University College Dublin and Queens University Belfast who also recently signed up to Beyond Benign. The School of Chemistry at UCC is excited to include joining Beyond Benign as part of its journey to sustainability, which also includes the multimillion refurbishment and energy upgrade of the Kane science building.

School of Chemistry

Scoil na Ceimic

Second Floor, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60
