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Workshop Films: 'Palliative Care in Neurodegeneration with a focus on Dementia: Addressing complex questions through interdisciplinary research and reflection'

10 Aug 2016

Palliative care in Neurodegeneration, with a focus on Dementia: Addressing complex questions through interdisciplinary research and reflection. May 2016, The Kingsley hotel, Cork. 

An interdisciplinary workshop on “Palliative Care in Neurodegeneration with a focus on Dementia: Addressing complex questions through interdisciplinary research and reflection” took place in the Kingsley hotel in Cork on Friday, 27th May. This workshop was funded by the Irish Research Council, and was being led by the Centre for Gerontology & Rehabilitation, University College Cork and National University of Ireland Galway, research performing organisations, as well as collaborators the All Ireland Institute of Hospice & Palliative Care (AIIHPC), the Alzheimer Society of Ireland (ASI), Dementia Research Education Advocacy in Motion (D.R.E.A.M), the Irish Association of Palliative Care (IAPC), and the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF).

It is increasingly acknowledged that people with advanced neurological conditions have complex problems and needs that are often unrecognised and under-treated. Dementia is the most common neurological disorder and is a life-limiting condition, but very often is not recognised in this way. Yet, people with dementia, and their carers, have been shown to have palliative care needs equal to those of cancer patients. Similarly, other neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s disease and Motor Neurone Disease cause significant physical and psychosocial issues for the person,  and the best means to assess, and address, their palliative care needs requires further research. 

To lead the discussion throughout the day an outstanding multidisciplinary panel of speakers were brought together, including both researchers and clinicians from across Ireland and the UK. Professor David Oliver, University of Kent: Palliative Care Physician with a special interest in neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, delivered the keynote address on “Research in neurodegenerative disease”.

Film recordings from each of the presentations on the day can be viewed using the following link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd_maP4B2N3FSMkbDow2Tb2VH3GtDaBvx

The funding for the recording of these films was jointly provided by the AIIHPC and the IRC award.







Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation

School of Medicine, UCC The Bungalow, Block 13, St. Finbarr's Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork, Republic of Ireland.
