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'SustainCare' – A new IRC-funded research project

22 Jul 2021

New Research Project - Caring for a family member with Dementia. This exciting new project is focused on factors influencing the sustainability of family caregiving for people with dementia, across Ireland.

Why is this research important?

This research is timely, given that dementia is becoming more prevalent in Ireland, as in other countries with ageing populations. To date there has not been enough consideration of family systems as a whole, and the manifold factors influencing family experiences of caregiving, and their support needs. This situation can have damaging effects on people with dementia and their family members, and can lead to earlier institutionalisation.

We want to understand how we can best support families of people living with dementia in the community, to encourage sustainability in the caregiving relationships.

Who is leading this research?

The project is led by principal investigator Dr Emma O’ Shea, at the Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation, University College Cork.

What is involved?

We are recruiting family members of people with dementia. Each family member will be asked to complete the following two activities:

  • A short ‘family story’ booklet (approx. 10 minutes)
  • An informal interview, either in person, by telephone, or through Zoom. (approx. 40 minutes)

The above 2 activities will typically take up less than one hour of each participants’ time.

Do I have to take part?

No, participation in this study is completely voluntary.

What about confidentiality?

You and your family members’ confidentiality is paramount. All data collected for this study will be anonymous, and any publications or reports that result from this study will not contain names or any other identifiable information.


The research was made possible through funding from the Irish Research Council, under the New Foundations scheme.

For more on this story contact:

If you would like further information on this study, or how to get involved, contact the project manager, Dr O’ Shea.  

Email: emma.oshea@ucc.ie  

Phone: 0860354526

Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation

School of Medicine, UCC The Bungalow, Block 13, St. Finbarr's Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork, Republic of Ireland.
