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New book chapter co-authored by CGR staff.

18 Jan 2023
Happening On 23/08/2023

New book chapter co-authored by CGR staff.

Professor Suzanne Timmons and Dr Siobhán Fox co-authored a book chapter in The Handbook of Clinical Neurology Series on Neuropalliative Care published by Elsevier.

Their chapter provides a comprehensive overview of Palliative Care in Dementia, discussing the key issues in providing palliative care for people with living with dementia and their families.


Timmons, S. & Fox, S. (2023). Palliative Care in Dementia. In: The Handbook of Clinical Neurology Series on Neuropalliative Care: Part II. Kluger, B. & Miyazaki, J. (Eds). Elsevier.

Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation

School of Medicine, UCC The Bungalow, Block 13, St. Finbarr's Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork, Republic of Ireland.
