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EAPC World Congress

10 Jun 2019
Dr Siobhan Fox at the EAPC World Congress in Berlin in May 2019

The 16th World Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care was held in Berlin, Germany, from the 23-25 May 2019. 

The 16th World Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care was held in Berlin, Germany, from the 23-25 May 2019. Over 3,000 delegates from across the globe attended the conference including clinicians, caregivers, researchers, volunteers, patients advocates and educators in palliative care. The remit of the conference is broadly around palliative care, and it was a fantastic platform to promote the applicability of palliative care for people with dementia, and to network with our international colleagues with a share interest.

Results of the survey were shared in a poster presentation which was displayed in the main foyer and which is also permanently available online as an e-poster: https://www.morressier.com/article/key-stakeholders-consider-important-model-dementia-palliative-care-multicountry-survey/5c76c8b9e2ea5a7237611f00

Dr Suzanne Timmons also co-chaired a parallel session with Dr Sheila Payne on the topic of “Delivering Palliative Care in Ageing Populations: Comprehensive Interventions and Clinical Models”. As part of this session, Dr Siobhan Fox presented a summary of The Model for Dementia Palliative Care Project, focusing on the evidence for model components.

Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation

School of Medicine, UCC The Bungalow, Block 13, St. Finbarr's Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork, Republic of Ireland.
