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CGR Researcher presents at Queen's University Belfast

28 Mar 2024
Dr Emma O Shea recently attended and presented at the launch of the Parkinson’s @ Northern Ireland hub.

Her talk focused on recent findings from the first national audit of movement disorder clinics in the Republic of Ireland. She also provided comparisons to UK PD audit data.

This Parkinson's disease hub is a new initiative aiming to connect stakeholders and research partners interested in improving quality of life for people with Parkinson’s on the island of Ireland.

The hub will facilitate research, evidence, data and expertise to take advantage of opportunities and find place-based solutions to challenges that matter to the local community of people living with Parkinson’s in NI.

It will also provide information to shape regional economic, community and health-care policy as it relates to Parkinson’s and other related neurological conditions.

To find out more about the event, click here.

Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation

School of Medicine, UCC The Bungalow, Block 13, St. Finbarr's Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork, Republic of Ireland.
