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UCC marks enhanced engagement on global issues through its Centre for Global Development

16 Nov 2017

The Centre for Global Development held a Reception in UCC on 14th November, attended by UCC staff and representatives of external agencies. The Reception was held to underline UCC’s strong commitment to harnessing the expertise and enthusiasm of UCC staff and students to address major global challenges, and to emphasise the importance of the CGD in fulfilling UCC’s aims, as expressed in the recently launched Strategic Plan 2017-2022.

Professor Caroline Fennell, Senior Vice-President Academic and Registrar, emphasised that Cork has always had a strong outward-looking orientation and has had historical experience of issues such as famine and mass migration which continue to confront contemporary society. The range of expertise available in UCC makes it well equipped to make significant contributions to tackling the challenges of hunger, climate change, global inequality and other issues, in an inter-disciplinary manner. The CGD will be at the forefront in facilitating and developing such important work.

Centre for Global Development
