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UCC CGD and the Irish Forum for International Agricultural Development (IFIAD) Webinar

16 Apr 2021

UCC Centre for Global Development and the Irish Forum for International Agricultural Development (IFIAD) webinar on Access to Nutrition – How can we make nutritious food affordable for all?

Chaired by Sophie Healy Thow, speakers included Anna Herforth, Corinna Hawkes, Mary Corbett (Self Help Africa), Lilly Schofield (Save the Children) and Joseph Odyek (Concern Liberia). This webinar will provides an overview of the global challenges relating to cost of diet, and presents case study evidence from projects involving Irish and international NGOs. The discussion of potential solutions are guided by some of the “Game Changer” ideas being developed as part of the Food Systems Summit Action Track 1 process.

 Slides can be viewed here. 


Centre for Global Development
