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Lunchtime Seminar 14th June

14 Jun 2022

Girls' Education in Nigeria

Date: Tuesday 14th June 1pm - 2pm

Venue: MS Teams (Online)

Speaker: Dr. Adepeju Oti

Link to Join


My talk will centre on my award-winning video on Girls Education in Nigeria (University of Rhode Island, Kingston, USA)  and our interventions and achievements; Annual RAGA Conference,the Global Mentorship Program and RAGA Journal of Social Inclusion and Educational advancement. I will mention my book; "Breaking Boundaries..." If time permits. If not that will be for another forum.

The video is 15 minutes long.


Dr Adepeju Oti  graduated with Honours in French from University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria. She holds a PGDE, Master’s and Ph.D. Degrees in Sociology of Education from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. She served as a consultant with the World Bank, Abuja, on the FADAMA II Project in 2007.  

Prior to her engagement with the university system, she had worked in various managerial positions in various organisations. She is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Arts  and Social Science Education, Lead City University, Ibadan, Nigeria. She founded the Global Youth and Girl Child Foundation (GYLGF) RC. 71641 in August 2014. She is a Fellow of the Pan African Institute for Development, Buea, Cameroon (1997); A Fellow of the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, USA, and a Kingian Nonviolence Conflict Reconciliation Trainer.

Dr Oti is a Fellow of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA). Facilitator of the British Council Active Citizens Program, Nigeria. She is an Author, a Speaker, Biographer and Publisher. 

These program and activities speak to SDGs 1, 4, 5 and 8

  • GOAL 1: No Poverty.
  • GOAL 4: Quality Education.
  • GOAL 5: Gender Equality.
  • GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Centre for Global Development
