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Dr. Robert Gallo at UCC, Dec 14th 2021.

14 Dec 2021
Dr. Robert Gallo UCC Presentation

The Centre for Global Development is delighted to present this top event as part of the Lunchtime Seminar Series. The event will be co-hosted by UCC Research Staff Association. Prof. Mary Horgan - President of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) will introduce our guest speaker


Join us for this online talk by world renowned US virology scientist Dr. Robert C. Gallo entitled “Lessons and ideas from the two Recent Pandemics - HIV/AIDS and SARS-CoV-2/CoVID-19 - How We Can and Must Do Better”. 

Dr. Gallo will discuss where we stand today in the science of HIV - our advances, limits and new goals, and turn to CoVID-19 - the problems with therapy, the efficacious vaccines but also their limits and the great need for their global distribution.

                                                               Tuesday Lunchtime Online 1pm-2.30pm, 14th Dec., 2021 


The Lunchtime Seminar Series is chaired by Dr Rosarii Griffin FRSA (Convenor of CGD Seminar Series & Chair of UCCRSA).

Centre for Global Development
