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Centre for Global Development - Seminar on New Directions in Development Finance: What is driving Aid? NW Council Room, Monday 19th November, 1-2pm

19 Nov 2018

Donor approaches to ODA and development finance have changed in the aftermath of the economic crisis – and as a result of new priorities.  How and why has aid changed – and what might the effects be for developing countries?  How are these changes reflected in EU aid policy – and what role can Ireland play?

Earnán Ó Cléirigh is a policy expert seconded by the Irish Government to the International Cooperation and Development Policy Directorate of the European Commission’s DG-DEVCO, working on development effectiveness.  He has previously worked in the policy unit of Irish Aid in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, leading workstreams on inclusive economic growth, development finance, debt relief and poverty reduction.  Earnán has also worked as senior policy advisor on Food Security in the OECD and has managed Irish Aid bilateral programmes in Tanzania and Mozambique.  He has also worked for the Governments of Mozambique and Lesotho in rural infrastructure, agriculture and fisheries development.


Tea & coffee will be available

Centre for Global Development
