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“Approaches to Food Crises and Famine: The IPC Experience” By Dr John (Jannie) Armstrong

13 Apr 2023

Centre for Global Development Seminar On “Approaches to Food Crises and Famine: The IPC Experience” By Dr John (Jannie) Armstrong from the United Nations FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation) as part of the IPC (Integrated Phase Classification) Food Security Workshop Tuesday (18/04/2023) 1-2pm.


Hunger, famine, and food crises are consistently near the top of the global humanitarian agenda. The global system for assessing the magnitude and severity of food crises is known as the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC). This talk, presented by Dr Jannie Armstrong of the IPC's Global Support Unit, will introduce the IPC's approach to assessing and analyzing food crises, giving examples from the most pressing humanitarian emergencies on the planet.


Jannie Armstrong works as the Integrated Phase Classification's Learning Systems Expert Developer, in which capacity he oversees the academic liaison portfolio, making sure that the IPC stays abreast of developments in food security and nutrition research from leading academic institutions around the world.  He co-develops all IPC training materials for both online and face to face trainings, and is a member of the Technical Development Team.  He holds a PhD in food policy from the Centre for Food Policy, City University, London. Over the past 25 years, he has consulted and written extensively on food security across Asia, Africa and Europe for FAO, WFP and others.  In that time, he has lived and worked in Kenya, the African Great Lakes (DRC, Burundi and Rwanda), Serbia, Mongolia, Laos, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Jannie holds an enduring research interest in food security policy in the Global South, and is currently based in Harare, Zimbabwe. For more information on IPC clink this link.

FAO = Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

IPC = Integrated Phase Classification – who are the branch of FAO responsible for producing the information for declaring famines and setting food security emergency levels

DAFM – Department of Food Agriculture, Fisheries and the Marine (Ireland)

IFIAD = Irish Forum for International Agricultural Development, where NGOs, government and academics come together on food security and food system matters.


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Centre for Global Development
