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Global Food Security Forum

Global Hunger Today: Conference

17 May 2018
Professor Stineke Oenema

STINEKE OENEMA is nutritionist (Wageningen University) and agricultural economist (London University). 

She worked several years for FAO and UNICEF in Ghana, Vietnam and Latin America. From 2004-2015 she worked with a Dutch NGO (ICCO) being in charge of food and nutrition security policy and programme development. During this period, she was member of the editorial board of the Right to Food and Nutrition Watch. She chaired the European Food Security Group and was part of the Coordinating Committee of the Civil Society Mechanism for the Committee on World Food Security. In the Netherlands, she has been chair of the Netherlands Working Group on Nutrition, a working group of NGOs, private sector actors and knowledge institutes. As member of the Independent Expert Group, she supported the development of the Global Nutrition Reports during its initial years. Before joining the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) in 2016, she worked at Wageningen University, the Centre for Development Innovation. In her current function as Coordinator of the UNSCN, she contributes to maximising nutrition policy, advocacy and programming coherency and consistency in the UN system.

Click here to hear Professor Stineke Oenema speaking at the UCC Global Hunger Today Conference 2018

Centre for Global Development
