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Exemptions for Prior Study

EXEMPTIONS FOR THE BA (Hons) and BSocSc (Hons)

Students on all BA courses other than BSocSc (Hons)*, BSocSc (Hons) Youth and Community Work, BSW (Hons); BA (Hons) (Early Years and Childhood Studies) and BEd (Hons) Sports Studies and Physical Education may apply for exemption, in first year only, to a maximum of 15 credits. This will enable students reduce their workload in the First Year of their programme.

For the programmes listed below, students may apply to the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences by 5pm on Friday, 21 October 2022 for a 15 credit non-subject specific exemption if they have successfully completed one of these programmes within a 10 year period from the date of application for the exemption.

Exemption - Non-Subject Specific

Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Fieldwork Practice and Supervision (Social Work)
Higher Diploma in Geographical Information Systems
Higher Diploma in Personnel Management and Coaching
Higher Diploma in Safety, Health and Welfare at Work
Diploma in Applied Business Computing
Diploma in Arts (Applied Irish)
Diploma in Development and Global Human Rights Studies
Diploma in Development Studies
Diploma in Disability Studies
Diploma in Environment, Sustainability and Climate
Diploma in Environmental Science and Social Policy
Diploma in European Art History
Diploma in Field Ecology
Diploma in Geographical Information Systems
Diploma in Geology
Diploma in Local and Regional Studies
Diploma in Psychology of Criminal Behaviour
Diploma in Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction)
Diploma in Social Enterprises and Community Development Practice
Diploma in Social and Psychological Health Studies
Diploma in Social Studies*
Diploma in Women's Studies
Diploma in Youth and Community Work
Diploma in Youth and Community Work (Distance Learning) and Physical Activity

Certificate in Interpersonal Communications
Certificate in Non-Formal Guidance
Certificate in Safety, Health and Welfare at Work

* holders of Diplomas in: Disability Studies; Environmental Science and Social Policy and Social Studies (post 2008) may apply for exemptions in Social Policy modules (SS1017 and SS1018) on Year One of the BSocSc programme provided they have secured a place on this programme through the CAO.

Exemption - Subject Specific

Students who have completed courses/subjects deemed by the Head of the relevant Department/School, to be equivalent to a subject(s) offered in the BA Degree may apply for a subject-specific exemption.

Certificate in Arts
Once registered on the BA degree, exemption for credits achieved in the Certificate of Arts will be automatically granted in the relevant subject(s) providing that entry to the BA is undertaken within 5 years from the completion of the Certificate programme.

Applications for exemption must be made by completing the 'Student Request Form' College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences Office, University College Cork, by Friday, 22nd October 2023.

College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences

Coláiste na nEalaíon, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta
