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National Campaign for UCC Bystander in HEI Launched

15 Sep 2021

On Friday the 3rd of September, UCC’s Bystander Intervention Programme launched its national campaign as training initiatives for staff and students across Irish Higher Education Universities. UCC’s Bystander intervention aims to raise awareness of not only the importance of safe and effective interventions, but also encourage staff and students to become active bystanders and develop the skills and awareness to address sexual violence harassments across third level institutions. This event was launched by Professor John O’Halloran, President of UCC. The speakers featured in this event, that took place via Microsoft Teams, were Prof Louise Crowley, Claire Austick, President of the Union of Students Ireland (USI), Dr Ross Woods, Senior Manager for the Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality in the HEA, Margo Noonan from Cork SATU and Asha Woodhouse, President of the UCC SU.


Full article at the following link:
