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Bystander Intervention Week 2022 - Support Stands

15 Feb 2022

We have a number of support services joining us on campus this week for you to stop by for a chat, some information and to learn about what each of these organisations do.


Location of Support Stands:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – The Consent Tent
  • Thursday – The Hub


Read on to find out who's joining us.


Women’s Aid – Provides direct supports and services to women experiencing abuse. Works to enact justice and social change.

DASH Mobile Unit – Provides rapid HIV-testing, condoms, drug and alcohol assessments and support from trained health professionals. – Ireland’s youth information website that provides non-judgemental, reliable advice to 16 to 25 year-olds.

UCCSU – Represents students at UCC, providing academic assistance, entertainment and advice to students in need.

MOVE – Works in the area of domestic violence, facilitating men in a weekly group that involves them taking responsibility for their violence and changing behaviour.

Garda Síochána – Works in and with communities to prevent crime through engagement, support, problem solving, law enforcement and accountability.

SVCC – The Sexual Violence Centre Cork works towards the elimination of sexual violence to victims in society and provides quality services to victims of sexual violence.
