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Bystander Intervention Week 2022 - Society Events

14 Feb 2022

We are excited to be collaborating with a number of societies this week for Bystander Intervention Week with events that interrogate what it means to be an Active Bystander.

Read on for more details.


Anti-Racism Workshop

With UCC Fáilte Society & Jo Dukkipati

Tuesday 15th February @4pm – Dora Allman Room, The Hub

Join UCC Fáilte Refugees Society at their Bystander Intervention Week Anti-Racism Workshop. This workshop will be facilitated by Joanna Dukkipati (she/her). Joanna is the founding editor of Good Day Cork – Cork’s digital magazine that amplifies unrepresented voices and offers an uplifting media diet. Joanna gathers stories to produce podcasts, magazines and create multilingual prose/poetry gatherings so as to change the narrative and build a kinder world.


Life after Sexual Violence

With UCC Psychological Society & Mary Crilly

Tuesday 15th February @7pm – Boole 1 and online

We often hear about harrowing incidents of sexual violence and the horrific long term effects that these incidents can have on victims and survivors. It is important to be attentive to how individuals navigate their lives after being sexually assaulted. Join UCC Psychological Society on Tuesday 15th February at 7pm, in Boole 1 or online, where Mary Crilly from the Cork Sexual Violence Centre will talk to us about living life after sexual violence.

Zoom Link:


Male Allyship Panel

With UCC Feminist Society & Guests

Thursday 17th February - Boole 2

For this panel discussion on male allyship we’ll be joined by Dr. Vittorio Bufacchi, Dr. Patrick Crowley, Gearóid Treacy, Zach John, and Daire Dempsey from TENI. This Male Allyship panel will discuss the nature of male allyship and the stigma that surrounds it with men who are active participants in the feminist movement. With recent studies portraying the prevalence of male violence towards marginalised groups, male allyship has never been more essential for systematic and social change.
