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Bystander Intervention Week 2022 - Schedule

10 Feb 2022

The schedule of events for Bystander Intervention Week 2022 is now available.
Join us all week for an art exhibition in Boole Library, showcasing Bystander-inspired artworks grown out of the programme.

Tune in to presentations by speakers from organisations across Ireland at 11am during the week to hear their insights via Zoom.

We will have Support Stands on campus all week, where DASH, Women's Aid, the Sexual Violence Centre Cork and more will be available to chat.

We have also teamed up with societies to bring you a number of events from an Anti-Racism Workshop with UCC Fáilte Refugees Society & Good Day Cork, to 'Life After Experiencing Sexual Violence' with UCC Psych Soc & Sexual Violence Centre Cork, to a panel discussion on Male Allyship with UCC Fem Soc.

Updates on the week's events will be posted on the Bystander website: and our social media - Instagram: @bystanderucc | Twitter: @BystanderUcc
