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The 700th UCC Cycle-to-Work Bicycle Sold

14 Jul 2015

Birgit Greiner recently became the 700th person to purchase a bike through the Cycle-to-Work Scheme here in UCC since the scheme started in 2009.

Birgit was presented with a little gift voucher for Victoria Cross Cycles and some safety accessories. Birgit is a senior lecturer in public health and likes “to live what she preaches” to the students - Choose a healthy lifestyle and be active in your daily life.

“For me this includes cycling to work, even if I have to wear business clothes. It is so much nicer to leisurely ride my bike and enjoy the fresh air rather than battling with congested streets and parking. I usually arrive relaxed and energised at work." 


For more information on the Cycle-to-Work Scheme check out the link below:

Buildings and Estates Office

Foirgnimh agus Eastáit

Western Road, Cork
