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Cork City Council have issued a Tidal Flood Alert - UCC deploying flood barriers to at risk UCC buildings from 6pm Tuesday 4th Feb 2014

4 Feb 2014


Cork City Council have issued a Tidal Flood Alert for the low-lying areas of the city with particular emphasis on this evenings high tide due at 20:53 hrs.





As a general rule, the only UCC property at risk from Tidal Flooding are some parts of the Lee Maltings complex, but in this particular case we need to take precautions by deploying flood barriers in the adjacent sites of ;

  • The Enterprise Centre and Butler Building in the North Mall
  • The  Connolly Complex {incl The Granary, 20/21 Dyke Parade and Muskerry Villas}


In addition to the high tides, heavy rain is also forecast and to guard against possible flash flooding, we will deploy flood barriers to The Laurels and Roseleigh on the Western Road.


We will start putting up the barriers at 18:00 this evening, Tue 04th Feb and would ask that these premises be vacated at that stage and not re-occupied until the barriers are removed.


Our intent is to remove the barriers commencing at 07:30 hrs tomorrow Wed 05th and to have all of the above buildings open by 08:30 hrs. However, we will monitor the water levels at high tide tonight and if the levels are HIGHER than forecast and if they threaten any of the above buildings, we will leave the barriers in place until high tide passes on the morning of 05th Feb. This will be at 09:21 and in that case we would expect to have the buildings open for 10:00 hrs.


We will know the extent of the water levels by 22:00 hrs tonight and will make the final decision on removal of barriers at that stage.

  • If we decided to carry on as planned & remove the barriers at 07:30 hrs, this current e-mail stands and the buildings will be open by approx. 08:30 hrs
  • If we decide to leave the barriers in place I will send an “All Staff” e-mail to that effect and also issue a text alert. In that case, building would be open at approx. 10:00 hrs.


Thank you for your co-operation





Paul Prendergast

A/Buildings Officer


Buildings and Estates Office

Foirgnimh agus Eastáit

Western Road, Cork
