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Cycle to Work - UCC Employer Bicycle Scheme

21 Sep 2009

UCC’s Employer Bicycle Scheme is finally set up and running. Thanks to the Government’s tax relief scheme, employees can save income tax and PRSI on the purchase of a bicycle and related safety equipment, when they buy it through their employer and he price is deducted from their salaries over a maximum of 12 months. Condition is that the bicycle must primarily be used for the commute to work (or parts thereof) or travel between work places.

UCC procedures, conditions and the relevant forms can be found here. For the list of approved suppliers under this scheme, please see separate NEWS item.

For any enquiries, contact the UCC Commuter Plan Manager at .

The scheme is meant to operate on an ongoing basis.

Attached Documents:
Adobe PDF (Acrobat) Document file  UCC C2W Procedures and Conditions 
Adobe PDF (Acrobat) Document file  UCC C2W Application Form 
Adobe PDF (Acrobat) Document file  UCC C2W Salary Deduction Agreement 

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