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€1 million saved in waste over the past 5 years in UCC

11 Feb 2014
€1 million saved in waste

€1 million has been saved in the past 5 years due to Green Campus initiative. The student led, research informed and practice focused green initiative has given UCC the opportunity to take a forward step in changing actions in sustainability.

The changes have provided a substantial financial saving, as well as longer-term environmental quality and greater citizenship.   The biggest challenge faced so far by UCC's green forum was the waste problem, which has gone on to see improvements so vast the area is responsible for saving about €700,000 alone.  Recycling rates are now up to 75% and as well as these improvements in waste management.  Staff cycling has also seen an increase from 6% to 12%.  UCC is also the first university in Ireland to calculate its total carbon footprint and there is currently a carbon sequestration programme running on campus, using trees to balance the carbon output.  Other initiatives being taken by UCC include the first park and ride travel scheme, compostable coffee cups in the main restuarant as well as energy requirements from landlords wishing to get on the accommodation list.  The next big challenge is water treatment.

Buildings and Estates Office

Foirgnimh agus Eastáit

Western Road, Cork
