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Pat Allen Prize 2024 in Molecular Cell Biology Awarded

22 Mar 2024
Mr. Pat Allen, former Chief Technical Officer, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Pat Allen Award Recipient 2024, Nerea Hernández Egido, and Dr. Kellie Dean, Programme Director, MSc Molecular Cell Biology with Bioinnovation.

The Pat Allen prize, awarded annually to the best student in MSc Molecular Cell Biology with Bioinnovation for Academic Excellence, was presented to Nerea Hernández Egido.

Nerea, the third recipient of the award, was presented with a €250 cash prize, and a medal, in recognition of Mr. Pat Allen, former Chief Technical Officer, in the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, for his 47 years of service to UCC.

School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Scoil na Bithcheimice agus na Cillbhitheolaíochta

University College Cork
