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Dr Anne Moore interviewed on BBC World News on patent restrictions and Covid vaccines

4 May 2021

One proposal to improve global vaccine distribution is to waive the patent restrictions on Covid vaccines and medicines. 

But even if the patents are waived, it would take months, if not years, to replicate Pfizer's complex supply chain. One shot needs needs 280 components, from 86 suppliers, from 19 countries. The Biden Administration is undecided on whether the US will support the loosening of patents. Tomorrow the WTO meets to discuss it, and the EU and UK have said they'll oppose it. Critics say it's a red herring that will not solve the supply chain delays. The BBC is joined by Dr Anne Moore, a biochemist at University College Cork who's worked as a scientist developing vaccines, to discuss.

Watch Dr Anne Moore interview on "BBC World News with Katty and Christian" about patent restrictions and Covid Vaccines 04 May 2021 (5 mins).

Dr Anne Moore has also written an article on "COVID vaccines: why waiving patents won’t fix global shortage" in 'The Conservation' and was invited for her insight into "Why waiving patents might not boost global access to coronavirus vaccines" for a 'Politico' article.

School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Scoil na Bithcheimice agus na Cillbhitheolaíochta

University College Cork
