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News 2021

BEES graduate wins national prize from the Geological Survey of Ireland

9 Dec 2021

The Geological Survey of Ireland presents 2 annual prizes known as the Cunningham Awards to the 2 best final year geological mapping projects submitted within the Geoscience disciplines in the Irish Universities.

Geology students within the School have an outstanding consistent record of winning one of these  prize s almost every year, a reflection of the excellent geological ability of our best students and the continuing emphasis we as a discipline place on essential high quality field skills and mapping training. 
We are delighted to announce that once again, one of our 2021 graduates, Eimear McKenna, has been awarded one of these  prize s for her project entitled  "The Geology of the Carlingford Igneous Complex, Co. Louth" supervised by Dr Kate Kiseeva and Dr John Reavy.
Eimear obtained a first class degree in the summer, was awarded the Sweetman Prize for the best Geology FYP in the School and is currently employed by Green Rebel Marine as a geophysical offshore surveyor assessing suitable sites for wind farms. 

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

An Scoil Eolaíochtaí Bitheolaíocha, Domhaneolaíocha agus Comhshaoil

Distillery Fields, North Mall, University College Cork, Ireland , T23 N73K.
