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News 2015

Special guests at Lough Hyne

25 Aug 2015
Lord David Puttnam & Oscar winning actor Jeremy Irons with Dr Rob McAllen of the School of BEES at the Lough Hyne research station.

There were some special visitors at the BEES Lough Hyne labs this month in a visit organised in conjunction with the Skibbereen Heritage Centre.

Lord David Puttnam, Oscar winning  actor Jeremy Irons and former Director General of the BBC and now Director of the English Football Association Greg Dyke visited along with some members of their families. During their visit to the labs they heard about some of the history and current research ongoing at the UCC marine reserve labs as well as hearing about the importance of the Rapids to the Marine life from Dr Rob McAllen and Luke Harman.

Following this the group went on a walk around the neighbouring countryside to hear more about the historical importance of the area from the manager of the Skibbereen Heritage Centre Terri Kearney.

The next outreach event at the Lough is the annual BEES  touch tank event held in conjunction with Heritage Week on Saturday 29th August from 12-2pm on the north shore car park. This is a chance for all ages to see and hear about some of the marine life resident in the marine reserve.

All welcome.

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

An Scoil Eolaíochtaí Bitheolaíocha, Domhaneolaíocha agus Comhshaoil

Distillery Fields, North Mall, University College Cork, Ireland , T23 N73K.
