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News 2015

New project to ObSERVE seabird and cetacean abundance

9 Jun 2015
Kittiwakes and a greater black backed gull (Pic: ObSERVE)

After months of planning and hoping for suitable weather, the ObSERVE aerial project went live this week with a survey flight departing from Kerry Airport. 

The ObSERVE aerial project, funded by the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources (DCENR) in partnership with of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DAHG), will provide information on seabird and cetacean abundance and distribution in Irish waters. Surveys will run from Donegal, down the west coast and out to the continental shelf edge, and across the Celtic sea.

The first survey recorded sightings of minke whales, porpoise, common dolphins and numerous seabird species including storm petrels, gannets and shearwaters. The ObSERVE aerial project is being led by Dr Emer Rogan (School of BEES) and Dr Mark Jessopp (SFI MaREI Centre), with partners from The Netherlands, France and Spain.

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

An Scoil Eolaíochtaí Bitheolaíocha, Domhaneolaíocha agus Comhshaoil

Distillery Fields, North Mall, University College Cork, Ireland , T23 N73K.
