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News 2012

Lough Hyne Heritage Week Touch Tank Event

Wed, 22 Aug 2012

Touch Tnk 2012On Saturday 18th August the UCC Lough Hyne Research Team ran their annual touch tank event on the North Shore at Lough Hyne providing an appreciative crowd of over 200 people with the opportunity to see some common crabs, starfish, anemones and sea squirts (amongst others) collected from the marine reserve.

Touch Tank 2012Members of the team talked about the biology of the animals and other life in the Lough whilst children (and some bigger kids!) got to hold many of the animals.

This is the sixth year the touch tank event has been run at Lough Hyne as part of the Heritage Week events and is run in collaboration with Terri Kearney at the Skibbereen Heritage Centre. Many thanks to Dr Mark Jessopp and Luke Harman for giving up their time to help make this event so popular and successful.

Dr Rob McAllen

Pictured: Dr Rob McAllen and Dr Mark Jessopp talking to the crowds about some of the Marine life at Lough Hyne.

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School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

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