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'Creating Autism' Exhibition and Talk

11 Apr 2019


Event Type: Exhibition
Date: Thursday, 11th April 2019
Time: 7pm - 8pm
Location: Café Oasis, Áras na Mac Léinn, UCC (the downstairs café in the Student Centre)
Target Audience: All welcome
Admission: Free
Additional Information: Tea and coffee will be available - all welcome! 



This is the opening event for the exhibition, which runs from 11th - 19th April 2019 in UCC

'Creating Autism' is an exhibition of images and words by Stuart Neilson exploring the processes that shape autistic identity and the portrayal of autism in our shared language, media, and public spaces. Stuart will be giving a short talk about his work on the night and will also answer questions.

The images use newspaper coverage, medical textbooks, autistic autobiography and film as raw material for analysis, along with video from around Cork City. Stuart lectures and writes about the autistic spectrum as a health statistician, and from his personal perspective of an Asperger Syndrome diagnosis in 2009, at the age of 45.

More information about this exhibition can be found here:   

Contact details 

He can be contacted at  

Autism Friendly University Initiative

Tionscnamh Ollscoile a Thacaíonn le hUathachas

Disability Support Service, The Hub,
