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'Creating an Autism Friendly University' - Presentation at the AHEAD Conference 2019

20 Mar 2019

Dr Máire Leane and Kirsten Hurley delivered a presentation on 'Creating an Autism Friendly University' at the 2019 AHEAD Conference in the Croke Park Conference Centre in Dublin. AHEAD is the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability. The theme of the conference was 'Journey to Oz - Travelling Together Towards Inclusive Education'.


This presentation explored how we are untangling what ‘autism friendliness’ might mean for students 'on the spectrum' at UCC, reviewed examples of good practice in relation to the provision of ‘autism friendly’ spaces in higher education (in this case physical spaces) and offered practical suggestions for how the creation of a more inclusive space for one cohort of students can have subsidiary benefits for the wider student body.

Autism Friendly University Initiative

Tionscnamh Ollscoile a Thacaíonn le hUathachas

Disability Support Service, The Hub,
