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Athena SWAN National Committee - Events

7 Aug 2019

Athena SWAN National Committee - Events and Updates August 2019.


Queens University Belfast - One Day Conference for Athena SWAN Departments and Schools  "SHARING OF BEST  PRACTICE"   August 23rd, 2019.    

Edel Hyland, the Athena SWAN champion of the School of Biological Sciences in Queen’s University Belfast, has sent the following information:  ‘As Athena SWAN Gold award holders, we are running a free event this summer on August 23rd to promote SWAN best practice, specifically with STEM departments within Republic of Ireland Universities.  We are also honoured that one of the founding members of the Athena SWAN awards, Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell-Burnell has accepted our invitation to introduce this event.  The details of the event, and the registration links are found within the attached document’.  Please direct queries about the event to QUB (see attached information).


Athena SWAN Awards Ceremony, RCSI Dublin.  24th October, 2019.

A reminder that the Athena SWAN Ireland award ceremony will take place on 24 October 2019 at RCSI.  Representatives from institutions or departments that received an award in the November 2018 round and those that have applied for an award in the April 2019 round should hold this date.  More details will follow in early September. 



IUA Pre-Budget Submission

Jennifer Cleary, on behalf of the IUA, has forwarded a link to the press release on the IUA pre-budget submission and a copy of the submission itself:  

IUA PreBudget Submission Release

IUA Budget 2020 Submission

There is also a short video clip from the Director General:


Athena SWAN Travel Fund

A reminder that panellists and observers participating in the current Athena SWAN assessment round can apply (before travel) for funds to cover additional expenses from the Athena SWAN Travel Fund, which is managed by the National Committee’s finance subcommittee.  Information on how to apply can be found on the Ireland page of our website.


Athena SWAN

G01 EDI Unit,South Lodge,
