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Public Talk by artist Jesse Jones at UCC

22 Nov 2016

On 22nd November 2016, artist Jesse Jones spoke about her project and exhibition No More Fun and Games for History of Art.

Jesse Jones is a Dublin based Irish artist. Her practice crosses the mediums of film, performance and installation. Often working through collaborative structures, she  explores how historical instances of communal culture may hold resonance in our current social and political experiences. Her project and exhibition NO MORE FUN AND GAMES at Dublin City Municipal Gallery, the Hugh Lane, established a “parasite” institutional structure within the museum space. This work explored how the politics of exclusion operates in relation to the role of women in the history and production of the artistic canon.  
She is interested in how political movements and ideas might be expanded to institutional performative gestures. Jones questions how we may look, not only through the lens of vast historical movements, but also through the incremental shifts in how we inhabit our everyday lives and experiences. 
Jones has had extensive exhibitions and projects nationally and internationally including a project with Art Angel. Jones has exhibited in Ireland, the UK, Seoul, Los Angeles, RMIT Melbourne and the Swizz institute in New York. She represented Ireland at the National Pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennial in 2017.
This talk was organised by Dr Kirstie North, Part-time Lecturer in History of Art.

History of Art

5 Perrott Avenue, University College Cork, CORK, Republic of Ireland.
