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Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2022: “Visionaries"

30 Mar 2022
Left: Lost Landscapes by Calum Gallogley, JJ Stack, and Anthony Keniry - Right: The Inhabitable Ecosphere by Katie Hamilton and Keeva O'Sullivan

Two student projects from 2020.21's MArch "Islands Unknown" Studio selected to be exhibited at the Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2022 “Visionaries” Exhibition and are finalists for Universities Competition Award.

Delighted to announce that two student projects from 2020.21's MArch "Islands Unknown" Studio (film links below) have been selected to be exhibited at the Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2022 “Visionaries” Exhibition and are finalists for Universities Competition Award.

Lost Landscapes
Calum Gallogley, JJ Stack, Anthony Keniry:

The Inhabitable Ecosphere
Katie Hamilton, Keeva O'Sullivan:

The two projects will be exhibited at Culturgest (September-December) guided by the theme "TERRA" and were selected from an International Open Call which had 94 individual and collective registrations, from 56 universities located in 23 countries.

Big congratulations to the student authors: Calum, JJ, Anthony, Katie, and Keeva, and big thanks to a great and highly dedicated teaching colleagues for their sustained efforts and creativity, Jason, Lorenzo, Kieran, Viktor, Kate, and Maroon.

Centre for Architectural Education

Ionad Oideachais Ailtireachta Chorcaí

Douglas Street, Cork , T12 AD7R
