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CCAE x Cork County Council - Community Housing Competition 2020.21 + 2021.22 - Digital Publication

3 Feb 2023
Cover of CCAE x Cork County Council - Community Housing Competition Publication 2020.21 + 2021.22

Digital Publication of CCAE x Cork County Council - Community Housing Competition 2020.21 + 2021.22 now available to view 

In 2021 + 2022, Year 02 students partook in a community housing competition, a collaborative initiative set up between Cork Centre for Architectural Education and Cork County Council.

Students were asked to design multi-generational and universally designed housing schemes for the Cobh (2021) and Cape Clear and Sherkin Island (2022) communities.


This digital publication highlights a select number of the students' work including 1st Prize Winner, Aoife Cowman, 2nd Prize Winner: Darren O'Connor, and the highly commended students: Darragh Bairead, Mark Bracken, Emma Bradfield, and Lucy Byrne.


Congratulations to all CCAE students who took part, and the staff at CCAE and Cork County Council who helped facilitate this competition and publication.


View publication of selected students' works CCAE & Cork County Council 21.22


Centre for Architectural Education

Ionad Oideachais Ailtireachta Chorcaí

Douglas Street, Cork , T12 AD7R
